Tuesday 27 April 2010

I have been working very hard to make this. People have helped me with my homework, my mum and my dad and my sister. I've decided to make a blog. I learned how to make blogs by playing on the computer and taught myself. Now, I have a blog of my own that I want to share with you.

I started my homework by planning on a sheet but now I have something on the internet. First I decided which questions to ask. Then I researched answers on Google. I saved the pictures and put them on the blog. I put videos on too. Mum helped me with that.

My sister helped by giving me information and facts. My dad took me to lots of historical Tudor places. We took pictures and he put them on the internet. I will put them on here. I will update this website to make it a more exciting place to be. If you are reading this, say thanks to my mum and my dad and my sister.

How did the Tudors become Kings and Queens?

How did Henry VIII become King? Henry's little brother was meant to be king but he got killed. So, Henry was next in line. When he took the throne, he was very young and was very handsome. But when he got older, he got very fat and died. He had 6 wives and 3 of them were beheaded, 2 he divorced and 1 who died.

Watch this video about the story of the Tudors.

What did the tudor music sound like?

Listen to Greensleaves.

What did the Tudor armour look like?

King Henry VIII was so proud of his armour that he kept it every room. I saw his horse and body armour at the Tower of London. The room was called the Hall of Armour. It had 18 horses with knights in armour and swords.

What did the Tudors wear?

They wore a ruff around their neck and a black tight dress with a big net skirt. The men wore big puffy trousers.

What did the Tudors eat and drink?

A Sixteenth Century Dinner

First Course:
Brawn (boar meat)
Roast Tongue
Leg of Pork
Roast Beef
Roast Venison (deer)
Meat Pie
Vegetables in season

Second Course:
Roast Lamb

Tarts and Custard